early and often

The Space Force Has Its Own Theme Song

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Photo: Ron Chenoy-USA TODAY Sports

Remember the Space Force? Once a figment of Donald Trump’s imagination, it now exists in the world. There are living Space Force Guardians doing real, if somewhat mysterious things. Angry emails inform me that the Space Force has serious duties. That may be true, but for the purposes of this blog post, I have chosen not to care. The Space Force still bothers me! I think Guardians is a silly name. The uniforms look weird. The logo rips off Star Trek.

But I digress. I write today of another Space Force travesty. Like other branches of the U.S. military, it now has a song.

And it’s just not good. Now, I’m not convinced that any of the branches have a good song, and as the spouse of a former Marine and as an ex-marching-band student, I am familiar with them all. (Did you know that if you are an oboist, your small high-school band program will make you play the cowbell during marching season? I also had a cape.) Anyway, good luck to our Guardians. Let’s hope the aliens aren’t critics, but it’s a cruel galaxy out there.

The Space Force Has Its Own Theme Song